窗外有男天 Head On剧照图片集锦,窗外有男天 Head On剧照图片合集. 阿瑞士一个愤怒、复杂而难以相处的希腊年轻人,事实上阿瑞为了要保有自由,保有自己的秘密,他必须成为一个善变的人,他要在他周围涂上一层保护色,也因此产生了大量的冲突,阿瑞父母要求他遵循唯一的人生路径:学*、待在家、结婚、找工作,可是他还在怀疑自己是谁,他的种族(希腊)、性向(同性恋),使他充满了种种矛盾,于是他把所有精力和挑战、痛苦和快乐压缩到一个充满舞蹈、性与***的高速度夜晚,他往前冲,进入自身的自由之中.....
私人生活 Vidas privadas剧照图片集锦,私人生活 Vidas privadas剧照图片合集. Carmen Uranga is a 42 year-old woman who after 20 years jurisdiction of her native country (Argentina), she returns to solve a family problem related with the inheritance that her sick father wants to leave him. Their return trip results in the unavoidable memories of the torture that that was object during the dictatorship and a dramatic revelation.