The reason i forgive you is because you are not perfect.
You are imperfect,and so am i.
All humans are imperfect,even the man outside my apartment who litters.
When i was young,i wanted to be anybody but myself.
风中奇恋 Desert Winds剧照图片集锦,风中奇恋 Desert Winds剧照图片合集. 風洞是印第安人一種神祕傳說,這奇異的自然現象,使人們的溝通穿越空間的隔閡,劇中的男女主同便在這樣的情況下「相遇」了,藉由聲音的傳遞,人們交換彼此生命中的種種轉折與成長體驗,這樣的感情會不會有進一步的發展?他們是否能真的相遇呢?看了就知道‧‧‧。
Jackie and Eugene are joined by a mystical wind tunnel which enables them to speak across a 500-mile desert. Believed by the Indians to be an omen of good luck, the wind inspires both characters to face their fears and follow their hearts.