在这美丽的凤凰小城,邂逅美丽的你。这将成为我生命中美好的回忆。美丽的邂逅。最好的永远是别人家的男朋友 最美的永远是别人家的女朋友七夕,姐一个人过,拿着德芙,逛大街。你是我患得患失遥不可及的梦而我却是你可有可无无关紧要的从现在起要变得简单,眼里只有题目和分数,心里只有梦想和你!曾经走过的事迹,其时刻也已经不能回头确认,一如水潭里沉潜的鱼骨。十一月你好!这世界最好看的风景,最动人的情话,都比不上你看着我时含笑的眼睛。很多时候我们放不下的,不是那个人和那段感情,而是在那段感情中飞蛾扑火的自己。学会在时间里遗忘,学会在痛苦中坚强Learn to forget in time, learn to str
我爱你莫里斯 I Love You Phillip Morris (2009) ★★★★★温暖的色调,夸张的情节,这部黑色幽默的同性片让人眼前一亮,最大的亮点居然是根据真实故事改编。金·凯瑞饰演的总攻油嘴滑舌,伊万·麦克格雷格饰演的小受低眉垂眼,为这对年老色衰技不穷的好基友鼓掌!我最喜欢他俩在监狱里跳舞那段戏,配上一首怀旧抒情的《Chances Are》真是绝妙极了!
奥尔莫与海鸥 Olmo & the Seagull剧照图片集锦,奥尔莫与海鸥 Olmo & the Seagull剧照图片合集. 'Olmo and the Seagull' is a poetic and existential dive into an actress's mind during the nine months of her pregnancy as she must confront her most fiery inner demons while trying to rewrite a new philosophy of life, identity and love. Underlying this hybrid film is mounting tension over what is real and what is enacted when one is performing one's own life.