欲望城 White Mischief剧照图片集锦,欲望城 White Mischief剧照图片合集. 英国贵族乔克爵士的新婚妻子黛安娜,比他小三十岁。两人结婚后,来到非洲的殖民地国家肯尼亚。他们进入了自由移民组成的上流社会。这里的生活荒淫无度而糜烂,黛安娜与埃罗尔伯爵戏剧性地坠人情网。不久埃罗尔被乔克杀死。黛安娜发现凶手是谁,准备离开他。乔克挽留不住黛安娜、又不忍杀死她,无奈以自杀了结了一切……
雷克军曹 Sergeant Ryker剧照图片集锦,雷克军曹 Sergeant Ryker剧照图片合集. During the Korean War Sergeant Paul Ryker is accused of defecting to Communist China and then returning to his unit as a spy.He's court-martialed and sentenced to death but his attorney believes Ryker's innocent and asks for a new trial.