数码相机,英文全称:Digital Still Camera (DSC),简称:Digital Camera (DC),是数码照相机的简称,又名:数字式相机。数码相机,是一种利用电子传感器把光学影像转换成电子数据的照相机。按用途分为:单反相机,微单相机,卡片相机,长焦相机和家用相机等。数码相机与普通照相机在胶卷上靠溴化银的化学变化来记录图像的原理不同,数字相机的传感器是一种光感应式的电荷耦合器件(CCD)或互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)。在图像传输到计算机以前,通常会先储存在数码存储设备中(通常是使用闪存;软磁盘与可重复擦写光盘(CD-RW)已很少用于数字相机设备)。
Develop/Movement Nº1剧照图片集锦,Develop/Movement Nº1剧照图片合集. Process of travelling in a landscape conditioned by the projection of the Cartesian geometry in the place where it is transformed into concentric: a reconstruction of the fractioned memory of the tour. Piece filmed in the Antarctica.
Good Talk with Anthony Jeselnik Season 1剧照图片集锦,Good Talk with Anthony Jeselnik Season 1剧照图片合集. Comedian Anthony Jeselnik interviews fellow comedians about their careers, influences and other topical issues.
Upright Season 1剧照图片集锦,Upright Season 1剧照图片合集. UPRIGHT tells the story of two misfits, thrown together by chance in the middle of the Australian desert, who forge the unlikeliest of bonds in their quest to get a precious piano from one side of the country to the other.