【Sparking】 印象•启明 [会有满天繁星为你点亮] 不管喧嚣扰扰,我听得到你; 不管星海浩浩,我看得到你; 不管人海茫茫,我找的到你: &br& &br& Safe In Dark. ………………………………………… Let me think that there is one among &br& &br& those star that guides my life through the dark unknow ………………………………………… &br& &br& 我看见一棵非常小的树 拼命的向天空生长 它拼命的树枝 戳穿了天空 露出了几缕天光 我们把那天光叫做星星 星星/顾城
迪登特鲁 Dentro剧照图片集锦,迪登特鲁 Dentro剧照图片合集. Two friends doggedly build a mysterious artifact in the forest, the function of which remains unclear until the very end.