一个女人 A Woman剧照图片集锦,一个女人 A Woman剧照图片合集. A young woman falls in love with a famous novelist and travels with him to his home in Southern Italy. There, her obsession with the memory of his dead wife begins to consume her.
两个女人 Mesyats v derevne剧照图片集锦,两个女人 Mesyats v derevne剧照图片合集.A drama centered around the Natalya Petrovna, a headstrong young woman married to land baron Arkadi Islaev and her feelings for her daughters tutor, which becomes a complex web of unrequited love.
九个女人 Per non dimenticarti剧照图片集锦,九个女人 Per non dimenticarti剧照图片合集. 1947年的罗马,战火仍然在燃烧。男人们雄心壮志地想要重建家园,而在女人心中,重建起家庭则显得更为直接而原始。在罗马的一家医院中,尼娜结识了另外八个与她一样等待生产的孕妇,不同背景不同性格的她们走到了一起。在最开始,她们还是素不相知的陌生人,接着她们开始渐渐熟知,开始动情地叙述起属于各自的过去。故事一个接着一个展开,如同彼此生命的交织绵延。这是一个关于所有女人的故事,团结、友情、温馨在病房弥漫开来。这些曾被伤害但带着希望,曾经牺牲却坚信爱情的女人们忽然发现,她们不再孤单……