约尔:未来猎手 Yor - The Hunter from the Future剧照图片集锦,约尔:未来猎手 Yor - The Hunter from the Future剧照图片合集. 一个战士在一个看似史前的荒地中寻找他的真正起源。A warrior seeks his true origins in a seemingly prehistoric wasteland.@https://www.zhuijukan.com/kehuan/yueerweilailieshou/
罗密尔和朱格尔 Romil and Jugal剧照图片集锦,罗密尔和朱格尔 Romil and Jugal剧照图片合集.br >Punjabi playboy Romil and shy Tam-Brahm Jugal are the new Romeo and Juliet. But what happens when their fighting families and orthodox society find out? A funky twist on the greatest love story of all time, this young and never-seen-before rom-com version is filled with masti, masala, emotion, laughter, songs, and drama that is guaranteed to leave you hooked for more.
第二回合 The Good Boy剧照图片集锦,第二回合 The Good Boy剧照图片合集. 安吉尔居住在马德里南部的*民区,受到拳击教练的父亲影响,安吉尔毫无悬念地成为一名拳击手;然而一个拳击手微薄的收入不足以支撑日常开支,何况安吉尔的母亲体弱多病,无法工作……*淡而又艰苦的生活,因为一个名叫维达尔的男人而发生微妙的变化。维达尔原本是安吉尔父亲的学生,后来到南美打拼,现在衣锦还乡。
本片其实并非同志电影(Gay Themed Movies,简称GTM),然而却在北美的同影市场上发行,主要是片中(封面)男主角Álex González矫健挺拔的身材、充满阳光气息的容貌吸引了同志的目光吧。 ///@QAF中文站