Miku is not just a program. She does not need a body to be real. She even says so in one of her songs. "I don't have a real body. But I do have this feeling heart" and it shows throughout her many songs. She sings of love, hate, depression, happiness. She is my inspiration. And the best thing is, you know someone else shares what she is singing because someone else actually wrote those very lyrics.
Miku needs way more love than she gets because to me, it doesn't matter who is singing, it only *** if it is pleasant to the ears and has a good meaning behind it.
It's all the same to me. They are all just trying to get money in my opinion.
If you want to be convinced, listen to her song
你就是那一个 You're the one剧照图片集锦,你就是那一个 You're the one剧照图片合集. 影片描述了一女孩从悲痛中重新找回自己的故事。1946年的马德里,茱莉亚收到她的男友死在狱中的讯息,为此悲痛不已。为了帮助自己度过这段伤心的往事,她一个人开着车,到奥地利的一个乡下小镇去,在那里她的家族有一座大庄园,有许多她儿时的美好回忆,或许能帮助她度过难关。这一座庄园是由她的姑姑,与她的媳妇、孙子一同管理着。有一天,一个陌生的年轻人来到庄园,亲手交给茱莉亚一封信,原来这个年轻人是她男友在狱中的朋友,他特地带来男友临死前所写的遗书,茱莉亚颤抖着打开了这封信……