有一种爱叫无缘,不是不爱而是没有缘分,也有一种爱叫成全!去成全别人也成全自己。我们的故事真难忘,太多的回忆和希望,不管它有多悲伤,我愿意一生收藏。love never faded, even tempests and is never shaken.爱是永不褪色的印记,纵使狂风暴雨,也绝不动摇。从前只觉得自己不够好,后来才发现是你没有眼光。给你波澜不惊的爱情,陪你看世界的风景,许你一世的欢颜。我只是想把我最好的给你,可是我不知道你喜不喜欢。日子如蝶。我,睡在白昼的回声里,耐心的守护着自己的秘密,生怕在某个不知觉的时刻,被时间的小偷窥见内心的日记。你仿佛丝毫未曾觉察我对你的情意,仍做着你认为对的
神奇的伊万 Ivan the Incredible剧照图片集锦,神奇的伊万 Ivan the Incredible剧照图片合集. Ivan Olsen is plagued by bullies at school, constantly pursued by a gang whose greatest pleasure is filling his pants with water, and taunted by his unsympathetic dad. Ivan can hardly believe his luck when a friendly witch mixes a magic potion that makes him the best at everything for one single day.