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bought,,,Homemade Tater Tots - Say goodbye to those frozen bags of tater tots. This homemade version is so easy, freezer-friendly and way better than store-bought!Homemade Tater Tots - Say goodbye to those frozen bags of tater tots. This homemade version is so easy, freezer-friendly and way better than store-bought!Homemade Tater Tots - Say goodbye to those frozen bags of tater tots. This homemade version is so easy, freezer-friendly and way better than store-bought! #吃货#COCONUT MILK FRUIT POPSICLES: 400 ml fresh raw coconut milk (or 1 can of store-bought), 1/4 cup raw can sugar (or preferred sweetener), Frozen frui, Finely fave herb (optional). Fill popsicle molds with small pieces of fruit, chopped herbs & pop stHomemade Tater Tots - Say goodbye to those frozen bags of tater tots. This homemade version is so easy, freezer-friendly and way better than store-bought!
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