干掉全家看电影 Matou a Família e Foi ao Cinema剧照图片集锦,干掉全家看电影 Matou a Família e Foi ao Cinema剧照图片合集. 早期的巴西“边缘电影”经典:在里约热内卢,23岁的地下电影人Júlio Bressane拍摄了其第二部长片作品《杀死家庭,看电影去》(1969),这部仅用了12天就完成的电影成为“Cinema Marginal”中最经典的杰作之一,大量的手提式摄影,不规则的广角镜头,杂乱无序的剪辑以及好几个同时进行又完全独立的剧情,试验性的电影语言使其成为“边缘电影”中最具创造力的作品之一,在其诞生22年之后,巴西重拍了这部经典地下电影的彩色版,但重拍版却完全失去了原版的影像光芒。
世界上所有的女人 Todas as Mulheres do Mundo剧照图片集锦,世界上所有的女人 Todas as Mulheres do Mundo剧照图片合集. Womanizer suddenly finds a woman who makes him change the way he looks at women. He falls in love, and believes she is in fact all women in one. Because of that, he has to face an important decision: to go on with his old life or embrace this special relationship and become a monogamous man.