最*美国好莱坞性丑闻事件频传!继《以你的名字呼唤我》(Call Me By Your Name)男星艾米汉默(Armie Hammer)被爆爱吸人血、**后,知名重金属摇滚巨星玛丽莲曼森(Marilyn Manson)也被前未婚妻伊凡瑞秋伍德(Evan Rachel Wood)控诉施暴,传出消息后另一名艳星珍娜詹姆森(Jenna Jameson)也立刻跳出来炮轰这名邪神,指控他过去做过的种种恶行,引起网友议论!
综合媒体报导,现年46岁的美国脱星珍娜詹姆森(Jenna Jameson)日前向《每日邮报》爆料,90年代曾背着老公布拉德阿姆斯壮(Brad Armstrong)与玛丽莲曼森交往,更透
曼森家庭大屠杀 The Manson Family Massacre剧照图片集锦,曼森家庭大屠杀 The Manson Family Massacre剧照图片合集. In this unique take on the infamous Manson murders we follow two generations of chilling real life events which occur at 10050 Cielo Drive, one of America's most notorious addresses.