A Blue Blood Moon 带蓝晕的血月。这幅清晰的望远镜影像,捕捉到九月底月全食既之时,获月完全沈浸在地球黝黑本影里的景象,在连续4个月全食所组成的四重食之中,这是最后一个月全食。这轮身为*地点满月暗黑幻影的全食月,表面因为反射地球暗影内渗入低层大气的阳光,而带着血红的色泽。从月球看出去,红化的阳光来自地球剪影边缘的日出和日落区,然而食月靠*本影边缘的临边,却明显渲染了蓝晕
血婴 血嬰剧照图片集锦,血婴 血嬰剧照图片合集. Chino, a thug but a deadly boxer, founds the One Kick Kung Fu School with his nephew, Nap. But the school is just a front for his gang of villains, and it seemed there would be no stopping them - until they kill an old boxer and trigger the hate inside one man.