1.曾经是那么努力的去逼迫自己去忘怀,却一直念念不忘。必须坦言的是,放弃是 痛苦 的,痛苦的只是过程,疼痛过后将迎来崭新的黎明。如今不费吹灰之力我将你忘记,八年的爱的征程戛然而止,我已不再是那原来的自己。
3.黎明前的黑暗,我早已经 *惯 。 不会期待破晓的曙光,怕那是梦里的明亮。
6.仿佛黑暗中熟悉的身影 依稀有听见 熟悉的声音 点亮一束火在黑暗之中 古老的陶罐上 早有关于我们的传说 可是你还在不停的问 这是否值得 当然火会在风中熄灭 山峰也会在黎明前倒塌 融进殡葬夜色的河 爱的苦果 将在成熟时坠落 此时此地 只要有落日为我们加冕 随之而来的一切 有算得了什么 那漫长的夜 辗转而沉默的时刻 作者:今何在 出处:悟空传
7.百折不挠,等候破晓的光,望天空繁星点点, 人生 当真寂寞如雪。忘却黎明的黑,寻晨光朝阳熹微,凤涅盘重生得以展现其美丽高傲,你也可以!依稀只记得当年说过你会 幸福 的。。。
10.唯有我们觉醒之际, 天才 会破晓。破晓的,不止是黎明。太阳只不过是一颗晨星。作者:梭罗 出处:瓦尔登湖
11.混沌初始,世界极为安静,漫天星辰伴随着宇宙的尘埃静静流淌,似乎一不小心就会迷失在无尽的星空 然而,总有一些是蠢蠢欲动的 他们都说正义代表永恒,殊不知在暗地里肆意生长的不单单只有邪恶 我一直在等待着这一天 万花飘零东逝水,黎明破晓至此生 “莫以为光,就不可以复仇” “莫以为光,就会被黑暗吞噬” 或许,正义与邪恶本就没有什么区别,只是心中的信仰不同,所选择的阵营不同罢了 你,认为呢?出处:灵王出世,不可一世
13.黑暗与黎明, 你我同是颠倒的清醒与困顿。 那是 记忆 的花开在深夜的欢溺 ,却各自只有一盏零星的孤灯。
16.凯尔特人也有一个故事讲的是两个有名的吟唱诗人的比赛。一个诗人弹着竖琴,从黎明唱到黄昏。星星和月亮爬上来时,他把竖琴交给对手。后者把琴搁在一边,站起身。前者认输了。作者:博尔赫斯 出处:瓜亚基尔
17.假若你在睡梦中醒来, 破晓的风撕开了黎明, 我却已经穿上了戎装。 不要恨我无奈的离去, 因为我深爱着, 深爱着这片脚下的, 帝国的热土; 正如我深爱着你, 深爱着你的每一个呼吸, 每一寸肌肤, 每一个心跳, 都是如此的熟悉。 如果我战死在边疆, 请为我留下一抷赤诚而深黄的沃土, 来埋葬我飘离的灵魂。 即使长眠于地下, 我也会因无上的荣光而自豪, 我曾为保卫祖国而献出热血。 你,就是我的祖国。
19.沉睡了千年的身体 重复着枯叶里苏醒 谁吟着凄凉的叹息 解开咒语 以往的见面谁封印 追随着萧声和马蹄 找到你 最光荣的牺牲 是英雄的宿命 挥剑的瞬间心却在哭泣 生 是为了证明爱存在的痕迹 火 燃烧后更伟大的 生命 杀 是为了歌颂破灭前的壮丽 夜 是狼深邃眼睛 孤独等待黎明 看不见未来和过去 分不清生死的差异 不带走喜悦或遗憾 离开这里 破晓和月牙在交替 我穿越过几个世纪 只为你 桃花瓣在飘零 这悲凉的风景 张手挥不去一生刀光剑影 生 是为了证明爱存在的痕迹 火 燃烧后更伟大的生命 杀 是为了歌颂破灭前的壮丽 夜 是狼深邃眼睛 孤独等待黎明
21.黎明像一把利剑劈开了默默的夜幕迎来了初升的阳光 刚刚诞生的黎明如同一个嫩红的婴儿在这浓浓的泼洒中颤了三颤 春天那太阳暖洋洋的它伸出漫暖的大手摩挲得人浑身舒坦黎明的曙光揭去夜幕的轻纱吐出灿烂的晨光迎来了新的一天
22.互相凝望的两个视线 只剩一个视线 迷了路的视线 紧紧锁定的两个视线 来不及的一切 失去你的视线 哭着说听不见的抱歉 无能为力 把爱吞成眼泪看着你 互相凝望的两个视线 只剩一个视线 一个孤单迷路的视线 把回忆收进心中的抽屉 想要永远收藏你的美丽 偶尔偷偷纪念行不行 Oh 把思念画成小星星 在每个黑夜黎明 不管多远的距离 我的心都会属于你 为你温柔照亮不曾离去 Oh作者:EXO 出处:两个视线, 一个视线
26.未来有太多太多的不确定 你的决定却是对我最好的考虑 可我不愿就此放弃 我想一步一个脚印 去走向你 哪怕黎明太迟 哪怕看不到黎明 有你的黑夜 也许会更美丽
27.我赞美世界, 用蜜蜂的歌, 蝴蝶的舞, 和花朵的诗。 月亮, 遗失在夜空中, 像是一枚卵石。 星群, 散落在黑夜里, 像是细小的金沙。 用夏夜的风, 来淘洗吧! 你会得到宇宙的光华。 把牧童 草原样浓绿的短曲; 把猎人 森林样丰富的幻想; 把农民 麦穗样金黄的欢乐; 把渔人 水波样透明的希望; …… 把全天下的海洋高山 *原江河, 把七大州 早晨傍晚日出 月落, 从生活中,睡梦中, 投入思想的熔岩, 凝成我黎明一样灿烂作者:顾城 出处:我赞美世界
29.用歌名组成的文章 但我《越吻越伤心》终于我们《深秋的黎明》结束了《无明份的浪漫》《好心分手》后我唱着《心酸的情歌》我哭成了《泪海》《 蔓延》到《罗威的森林》 当你孤单你会想起谁》?会是我吗?《爱你不是两三天》,我这样《为爱痴狂》,你到底《知道不知道》?《还记得那是《年的第一场雪》吗?那是《飘雪》的夜,我们《同唱一首歌》,那首歌叫《老鼠爱大米》,我们像《两只蝴蝶》,飞遍《天涯海角》,《你的微笑》,《曾经最美》。你送我《丁香花》,说我是你的《灰姑娘》,你喊着我的名字《小微》《很爱很爱你》,那是记忆里出处:心醉
江城子·胭脂笑 门外秋叶 思悠悠,夜茫茫。
梦里红颜, 淡抹胭脂笑。
假似未, 泪不断,心已乱。
独卧西楼观月落, 寒星退,夜光残。
泪洒成江, 含笑醉西楼, 回眸只是擦身过, 更无缘,恨泪别。
西江月·春江初景 海水初生红日,游人醉卧江畔,一条炽龙腾日上,光洒万点春江。
在黎明破晓前》等三部曲的英文台词Scene IX – “You Are Stardust” (Kleines Caf) Location notes: Kleines Café is located in Franziskanerplatz (along Weihburggasse), in the 1st District, just southeast of Stephansplatz. Metro: U1 or U3, Stephansplatz stop. (They walk around a vehicle barricade then proceed down a co*lestone walkway lined with trees and vines.) (Sitting at a cafe. A pair of friars walk by, apparently in prayer.) Jesse: Hey...check these guys out. “Hey Hans, I h*e a confession to make. I'm not wearing any underwear underneath this thing.” “Oh really?” “Does that frighten you?” (Pauses, then turns to face Céline.) Can I tell you a secret? Céline: Yeah. Jesse: Come here. (Leans in toward her ear.) Céline: What? (Leans in a bit closer.) Jesse: Come here. (Leans all the way toward her, and kisses her on the lips.) (They pause, looking in the direction where they hear some laughter, seeing a gypsy as she finishes reading somebody's palm.) Céline: Look at this palm-reader. She's interesting-looking, no? Jesse: Yeah. Céline: Uh-oh, uh-oh. Jesse: What, what? Céline: I just made eye contact. Jesse: She's not coming over here. Céline: Yes, she is. Jesse: Oh, shit. Oh, no. Céline: Oh my God. You want your palm read? Jesse: No, no. Céline: No? Are you sure? Jesse: I'm sure. Céline: Okay. Jesse: Hello. (Mocking.) Céline: Here she is. Gypsy: Ich moechte deine hand lesen. (Would you like your palm read?) Céline: (Not understanding.) Uh, français, English? Gypsy: (Takes Céline's hand, and touches it. ) Want your palm read? Céline: (Hesitantly.) Yeah. How much is it. Gypsy: For you, fifties. Okay? Céline: Okay. Gypsy: (Takes Celine’s palm, gazing and running her fingers over it.) Oh, so, you h*e been on a journey, and you are stranger to this place. You, are on an adventure, you seek. An adventure in your mind. You are interested in the power of the woman, in a woman's deep strength, and creativity? You are becoming this woman. You need to resign yourself to the awkwardness of life. Only if you find peace within yourself, will you find true connection with others. (Indicates, with her head, Jesse.) That is a stranger to you? Céline: I guess so. Gypsy: (Takes Jesse's hand, and looks at it only briefly.) Oh, you will be alright. He's learning. Okay. (Claps hands.) Money. (Offers hand, awaiting payment.) (Céline pays her, and gypsy begins to walk away. With the money in her hands, gypsy turns back to Jesse and Céline, raising her arms.) Gypsy: You are both stars, don't forget. And the stars exploded billions of years ago, to form everything that is this world. Everything we know, is stardust. So don't forget, you are stardust. Jesse: (Looks away with cynical expression.) I mean, that's very nice and all, I mean, that, you know, we're all stardust, and you're becoming this great woman, I mean, but I hope you don't take that any more seriously than some horoscope in a daily syndicated newspaper. Céline: You, what are you talking about? I mean, she knew I was on vacation, and that we didn't know each other, and that (laughs) I was going to become this great woman. Jesse: Aw c'mon. But what was that “I am learning” bullshit? I mean, that's WAY condescending. You know? I mean, she wasn't even doing me. I mean, if opportunists like that, ever had to tell the real truth, it would put their ASSES out of business. You know? I mean, just once, I'd love to see, some little old lady, s*e up all her money, you know, to go to the fortune teller, and she'd get there, all excited about hearing her future, and the woman would say (taking Céline's hand, mimicking a fortune teller, including the voice) , “Um-hmm. Tomorrow, and all your remaining days will be exactly like today--a tedious collection of hours. And you will h*e no new passions, and no new thoughts, and no new tr*els, and when you die, you'll be completely forgotten. Fifty shillings, please.” You know, that I'd like to see. Céline: It‘s so funny how she almost didn't notice you, you know. It's weird. I wonder why. She was, she was really wise, and intense, no? I really loved what she said, you know? Jesse: Yeah, of course you do, you know. You pay your money, you get to hear something that makes you feel good about yourself. If you want, maybe there's a seedy section of Vienna, we can go buy a hit of crack, you know. Would you like that? Yeah? Céline: You're so (makes gesture to give impressive of wacko)… Jesse: Stardust, Stardust.
Daydream delusion. Limousine Eyelash Oh, baby with your pretty face Drop a tear in my wineglass Look at those big eyes See what you mean to me Sweet cakes and milkshakes I am a delusioned angel I am a fantasy parade. I want you to know what I think. Don't want you to guess anymore. You h*e no idea where I came from. We h*e no idea where we're going. Launched in life. Like branches in the river. Flowing downstream. Caught in the current. I'll carry you. You'll carry me. That's how it could be. Don't you know me Don't you know me by now. 浸入白日梦的幻觉 眨动了密长的睫毛 哦 亲爱的 滑过你美丽的脸庞 在我的酒杯里坠入一滴清泪 凝视你纯净的双眸 了然了你是我生命的意义 仿佛奶昔在蛋糕的甜美中交融 我像那恍惚中浮现的天使 在梦幻中游弋飘荡 怎忍再看你芳心百转 却如何才能两情相悦 不知晓我来自何方 更不知哪里才是我们的归宿 只管拥抱生活 就像溪流终要汇入江河 迤逦而下,随波逐流 你中有我 我中有你 本该如此 可知我心
1.黎明,像一把利剑,劈开了默默的夜幕,迎来了初升的阳光.2. 刚刚诞生的黎明如同一个嫩红的婴儿,在这浓浓的泼洒中颤了三颤.3. 春天,那太阳暖洋洋的,它伸出漫暖的大手,摩挲得人浑身舒坦.4.黎明的曙光揭去夜幕的轻纱,吐出灿烂的晨光,迎来了新的一天.
Hotel California - The EaglesOn a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hairWarm smell of colitas, rising up through the airUp ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering lightMy head grew he*y and my sight grew dimI had to stop for the nightThere she stood in the doorway;I heard the mission bellAnd I was thinking to myself,This could be He*en or this could be HellThen she lit up a candle and she showed me the wayThere were voices down the corridor,I thought I heard them say...Welcome to the Hotel CaliforniaSuch a lovely place (Such a lovely place)Such a lovely facePlenty of room at the Hotel CaliforniaAny time of year (Any time of year)You can find it hereHer mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bendsShe got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friendsHow they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.Some dance to remember, some dance to forgetSo I called up the Captain,Please bring me my wineHe said,We h*en't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nineAnd still those voices are calling from far away,Wake you up in the middle of the nightJust to hear them say...Welcome to the Hotel CaliforniaSuch a lovely place (Such a lovely place)Such a lovely faceThey livin' it up at the Hotel CaliforniaWhat a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)Bring your alibisMirrors on the ceiling,The pink champagne on iceAnd she saidWe are all just prisoners here, of our own deviceAnd in the master's chambers,They gathered for the feastThey stab it with their steely knives,But they just can't kill the beastLast thing I remember, I wasRunning for the doorI had to find the passage backTo the place I was beforeRelax, said the night man,We are programmed to receive.You can check-out any time you like,But you can never le*e!
女生喜欢的男生类型在于他自己 有些女生喜欢帅气 干净 可爱 搞笑的吧 女孩子吗 毕竟有些花心吧 这方面我也不怎东 反着你要是喜欢别人就去追啊 干嘛要浪费时间 追不到还有一段回忆真好
江城子·胭脂笑 门外秋叶 思悠悠,夜茫茫。
梦里红颜, 淡抹胭脂笑。
假似未, 泪不断,心已乱。
独卧西楼观月落, 寒星退,夜光残。
泪洒成江, 含笑醉西楼, 回眸只是擦身过, 更无缘,恨泪别。
西江月·春江初景 海水初生红日,游人醉卧江畔,一条炽龙腾日上,光洒万点春江。
在黎明破晓前》等三部曲的英文台词Scene IX – “You Are Stardust” (Kleines Caf) Location notes: Kleines Café is located in Franziskanerplatz (along Weihburggasse), in the 1st District, just southeast of Stephansplatz. Metro: U1 or U3, Stephansplatz stop. (They walk around a vehicle barricade then proceed down a co*lestone walkway lined with trees and vines.) (Sitting at a cafe. A pair of friars walk by, apparently in prayer.) Jesse: Hey...check these guys out. “Hey Hans, I h*e a confession to make. I'm not wearing any underwear underneath this thing.” “Oh really?” “Does that frighten you?” (Pauses, then turns to face Céline.) Can I tell you a secret? Céline: Yeah. Jesse: Come here. (Leans in toward her ear.) Céline: What? (Leans in a bit closer.) Jesse: Come here. (Leans all the way toward her, and kisses her on the lips.) (They pause, looking in the direction where they hear some laughter, seeing a gypsy as she finishes reading somebody's palm.) Céline: Look at this palm-reader. She's interesting-looking, no? Jesse: Yeah. Céline: Uh-oh, uh-oh. Jesse: What, what? Céline: I just made eye contact. Jesse: She's not coming over here. Céline: Yes, she is. Jesse: Oh, shit. Oh, no. Céline: Oh my God. You want your palm read? Jesse: No, no. Céline: No? Are you sure? Jesse: I'm sure. Céline: Okay. Jesse: Hello. (Mocking.) Céline: Here she is. Gypsy: Ich moechte deine hand lesen. (Would you like your palm read?) Céline: (Not understanding.) Uh, français, English? Gypsy: (Takes Céline's hand, and touches it. ) Want your palm read? Céline: (Hesitantly.) Yeah. How much is it. Gypsy: For you, fifties. Okay? Céline: Okay. Gypsy: (Takes Celine’s palm, gazing and running her fingers over it.) Oh, so, you h*e been on a journey, and you are stranger to this place. You, are on an adventure, you seek. An adventure in your mind. You are interested in the power of the woman, in a woman's deep strength, and creativity? You are becoming this woman. You need to resign yourself to the awkwardness of life. Only if you find peace within yourself, will you find true connection with others. (Indicates, with her head, Jesse.) That is a stranger to you? Céline: I guess so. Gypsy: (Takes Jesse's hand, and looks at it only briefly.) Oh, you will be alright. He's learning. Okay. (Claps hands.) Money. (Offers hand, awaiting payment.) (Céline pays her, and gypsy begins to walk away. With the money in her hands, gypsy turns back to Jesse and Céline, raising her arms.) Gypsy: You are both stars, don't forget. And the stars exploded billions of years ago, to form everything that is this world. Everything we know, is stardust. So don't forget, you are stardust. Jesse: (Looks away with cynical expression.) I mean, that's very nice and all, I mean, that, you know, we're all stardust, and you're becoming this great woman, I mean, but I hope you don't take that any more seriously than some horoscope in a daily syndicated newspaper. Céline: You, what are you talking about? I mean, she knew I was on vacation, and that we didn't know each other, and that (laughs) I was going to become this great woman. Jesse: Aw c'mon. But what was that “I am learning” bullshit? I mean, that's WAY condescending. You know? I mean, she wasn't even doing me. I mean, if opportunists like that, ever had to tell the real truth, it would put their ASSES out of business. You know? I mean, just once, I'd love to see, some little old lady, s*e up all her money, you know, to go to the fortune teller, and she'd get there, all excited about hearing her future, and the woman would say (taking Céline's hand, mimicking a fortune teller, including the voice) , “Um-hmm. Tomorrow, and all your remaining days will be exactly like today--a tedious collection of hours. And you will h*e no new passions, and no new thoughts, and no new tr*els, and when you die, you'll be completely forgotten. Fifty shillings, please.” You know, that I'd like to see. Céline: It‘s so funny how she almost didn't notice you, you know. It's weird. I wonder why. She was, she was really wise, and intense, no? I really loved what she said, you know? Jesse: Yeah, of course you do, you know. You pay your money, you get to hear something that makes you feel good about yourself. If you want, maybe there's a seedy section of Vienna, we can go buy a hit of crack, you know. Would you like that? Yeah? Céline: You're so (makes gesture to give impressive of wacko)… Jesse: Stardust, Stardust.
林志颖的《黎明破晓前》疲倦的街灯破晓前一盏一盏熄灭我踩紧油门迎着风整夜都无法阖眼阳光从地*线开始漫延我还留在黑暗的边缘太茫然的心忘记了时间停格在最后的画面在黎明破晓前你终於说出我们的爱情没有明天是谁的出现该谁说再见写好的剧本摆在眼前在黎明破晓前沉默的侧面是如此美丽如此遥远你带走一切抽空了世界是这一生最冷的夏天偷偷拭去眼角的泪不想轻易被发现在天亮之前做好准备别让心事太过明显 oh......
1、We’re all each others’ demons and angels、 我们对互相来说,既是妖怪也是天使。
10、我喜好他在我眼光移开时 偷偷看我的感受。
11、I kind of see this all love as this, escape for two people who don't know how to be alone. People always talk about how love is this totally unselfish, giving thing, but if you think about it, there's nothing more selfish.
12、“据说男人会失去听高音的能力,而女人不能听见低音,我想他们这是在逃避对方的错误。” “我认为这是自然规律,这样他们就能携手到老了。”
15、哦,是的。我明白你说的,没和希望的人在一起是什么意思。只是,通常我总是想逃避我自己………… 假如你和我一天到晚都待在一起,你就会开始讨厌我的很多坏*惯,比如每次有客人来访的时候,我都会不靠谱或者喝高了,或是我反复讲些愚蠢而自作聪明的故事,翻来覆地说,而那些故事我都听过。所以我当然会厌恶自己……但是和你在一起,让我觉得自己仿佛变成了另外一个人。像这样**自我的方式通常只有,你知道,跳舞、酒精、毒品,诸如此类。
江城子·胭脂笑 门外秋叶 思悠悠,夜茫茫。
梦里红颜, 淡抹胭脂笑。
假似未, 泪不断,心已乱。
独卧西楼观月落, 寒星退,夜光残。
泪洒成江, 含笑醉西楼, 回眸只是擦身过, 更无缘,恨泪别。
西江月·春江初景 海水初生红日,游人醉卧江畔,一条炽龙腾日上,光洒万点春江。
在黎明破晓前》等三部曲的英文台词Scene IX – “You Are Stardust” (Kleines Caf) Location notes: Kleines Café is located in Franziskanerplatz (along Weihburggasse), in the 1st District, just southeast of Stephansplatz. Metro: U1 or U3, Stephansplatz stop. (They walk around a vehicle barricade then proceed down a cobblestone walkway lined with trees and vines.) (Sitting at a cafe. A pair of friars walk by, apparently in prayer.) Jesse: Hey...check these guys out. “Hey Hans, I have a confession to make. I'm not wearing any underwear underneath this thing.” “Oh really?” “Does that frighten you?” (Pauses, then turns to face Céline.) Can I tell you a secret? Céline: Yeah. Jesse: Come here. (Leans in toward her ear.) Céline: What? (Leans in a bit closer.) Jesse: Come here. (Leans all the way toward her, and kisses her on the lips.) (They pause, looking in the direction where they hear some laughter, seeing a gypsy as she finishes reading somebody's palm.) Céline: Look at this palm-reader. She's interesting-looking, no? Jesse: Yeah. Céline: Uh-oh, uh-oh. Jesse: What, what? Céline: I just made eye contact. Jesse: She's not coming over here. Céline: Yes, she is. Jesse: Oh, shit. Oh, no. Céline: Oh my God. You want your palm read? Jesse: No, no. Céline: No? Are you sure? Jesse: I'm sure. Céline: Okay. Jesse: Hello. (Mocking.) Céline: Here she is. Gypsy: Ich moechte deine hand lesen. (Would you like your palm read?) Céline: (Not understanding.) Uh, français, English? Gypsy: (Takes Céline's hand, and touches it. ) Want your palm read? Céline: (Hesitantly.) Yeah. How much is it. Gypsy: For you, fifties. Okay? Céline: Okay. Gypsy: (Takes Celine’s palm, gazing and running her fingers over it.) Oh, so, you have been on a journey, and you are stranger to this place. You, are on an adventure, you seek. An adventure in your mind. You are interested in the power of the woman, in a woman's deep strength, and creativity? You are becoming this woman. You need to resign yourself to the awkwardness of life. Only if you find peace within yourself, will you find true connection with others. (Indicates, with her head, Jesse.) That is a stranger to you? Céline: I guess so. Gypsy: (Takes Jesse's hand, and looks at it only briefly.) Oh, you will be alright. He's learning. Okay. (Claps hands.) Money. (Offers hand, awaiting payment.) (Céline pays her, and gypsy begins to walk away. With the money in her hands, gypsy turns back to Jesse and Céline, raising her arms.) Gypsy: You are both stars, don't forget. And the stars exploded billions of years ago, to form everything that is this world. Everything we know, is stardust. So don't forget, you are stardust. Jesse: (Looks away with cynical expression.) I mean, that's very nice and all, I mean, that, you know, we're all stardust, and you're becoming this great woman, I mean, but I hope you don't take that any more seriously than some horoscope in a daily syndicated newspaper. Céline: You, what are you talking about? I mean, she knew I was on vacation, and that we didn't know each other, and that (laughs) I was going to become this great woman. Jesse: Aw c'mon. But what was that “I am learning” bullshit? I mean, that's WAY condescending. You know? I mean, she wasn't even doing me. I mean, if opportunists like that, ever had to tell the real truth, it would put their ASSES out of business. You know? I mean, just once, I'd love to see, some little old lady, save up all her money, you know, to go to the fortune teller, and she'd get there, all excited about hearing her future, and the woman would say (taking Céline's hand, mimicking a fortune teller, including the voice) , “Um-hmm. Tomorrow, and all your remaining days will be exactly like today--a tedious collection of hours. And you will have no new passions, and no new thoughts, and no new travels, and when you die, you'll be completely forgotten. Fifty shillings, please.” You know, that I'd like to see. Céline: It‘s so funny how she almost didn't notice you, you know. It's weird. I wonder why. She was, she was really wise, and intense, no? I really loved what she said, you know? Jesse: Yeah, of course you do, you know. You pay your money, you get to hear something that makes you feel good about yourself. If you want, maybe there's a seedy section of Vienna, we can go buy a hit of crack, you know. Would you like that? Yeah? Céline: You're so (makes gesture to give impressive of wacko)… Jesse: Stardust, Stardust.
Daydream delusion. Limousine Eyelash Oh, baby with your pretty face Drop a tear in my wineglass Look at those big eyes See what you mean to me Sweet cakes and milkshakes I am a delusioned angel I am a fantasy parade. I want you to know what I think. Don't want you to guess anymore. You have no idea where I came from. We have no idea where we're going. Launched in life. Like branches in the river. Flowing downstream. Caught in the current. I'll carry you. You'll carry me. That's how it could be. Don't you know me Don't you know me by now. 浸入白日梦的幻觉 眨动了密长的睫毛 哦 亲爱的 滑过你美丽的脸庞 在我的酒杯里坠入一滴清泪 凝视你纯净的双眸 了然了你是我生命的意义 仿佛奶昔在蛋糕的甜美中交融 我像那恍惚中浮现的天使 在梦幻中游弋飘荡 怎忍再看你芳心百转 却如何才能两情相悦 不知晓我来自何方 更不知哪里才是我们的归宿 只管拥抱生活 就像溪流终要汇入江河 迤逦而下,随波逐流 你中有我 我中有你 本该如此 可知我心
1.黎明,像一把利剑,劈开了默默的夜幕,迎来了初升的阳光.2. 刚刚诞生的黎明如同一个嫩红的婴儿,在这浓浓的泼洒中颤了三颤.3. 春天,那太阳暖洋洋的,它伸出漫暖的大手,摩挲得人浑身舒坦.4.黎明的曙光揭去夜幕的轻纱,吐出灿烂的晨光,迎来了新的一天.
Hotel California - The EaglesOn a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hairWarm smell of colitas, rising up through the airUp ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering lightMy head grew heavy and my sight grew dimI had to stop for the nightThere she stood in the doorway;I heard the mission bellAnd I was thinking to myself,This could be Heaven or this could be HellThen she lit up a candle and she showed me the wayThere were voices down the corridor,I thought I heard them say...Welcome to the Hotel CaliforniaSuch a lovely place (Such a lovely place)Such a lovely facePlenty of room at the Hotel CaliforniaAny time of year (Any time of year)You can find it hereHer mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bendsShe got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friendsHow they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.Some dance to remember, some dance to forgetSo I called up the Captain,Please bring me my wineHe said,We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nineAnd still those voices are calling from far away,Wake you up in the middle of the nightJust to hear them say...Welcome to the Hotel CaliforniaSuch a lovely place (Such a lovely place)Such a lovely faceThey livin' it up at the Hotel CaliforniaWhat a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)Bring your alibisMirrors on the ceiling,The pink champagne on iceAnd she saidWe are all just prisoners here, of our own deviceAnd in the master's chambers,They gathered for the feastThey stab it with their steely knives,But they just can't kill the beastLast thing I remember, I wasRunning for the doorI had to find the passage backTo the place I was beforeRelax, said the night man,We are programmed to receive.You can check-out any time you like,But you can never leave!
女生喜欢的男生类型在于他自己 有些女生喜欢帅气 干净 可爱 搞笑的吧 女孩子吗 毕竟有些花心吧 这方面我也不怎东 反着你要是喜欢别人就去追啊 干嘛要浪费时间 追不到还有一段回忆真好
1. 天渐渐破晓,大地朦朦胧胧的,如同笼罩着银灰色的轻纱。这时,万籁惧寂,突然有了一声鸟叫,划破了这寂静。一会儿,东方天际浮起一片鱼肚白,大地也渐渐地光亮了起来。
2. 啊,校园的清晨!这里是一天的开始,这里是人生的起步;理想的种子要播种,人生的意义要认识。
3. 当我起床准备开门时,就听见了清晨的声音,它在叫我快开门,它在等着我一起跳舞。
4. 清晨晨,街上是静谧的。当第一缕晨光射穿薄雾,街上便迎来了一个温馨的晨。
5. 此时,街上的一切都笼罩在柔和的晨光中,道旁的柳树低垂着头,柔顺的接受着晨光地淋浴;挺拔的杨树像健壮的青年舒展的手臂;草丛从湿润中透出几分幽幽的绿意。多么美好的的夏日清晨。
6. 清晨,小街是静谧的。当第一缕晨光射穿薄雾,小街便迎来了一个温馨的晨,此时,小街的一切都笼罩在柔和的晨光中,道旁的柳树低垂着头,柔顺的接受着晨光地淋浴。
7. 星星依然在闪耀,可是地*线上,海和清晨却在第一缕蓝幽幽的晨曦中搂抱起来了。天空比原先更高,盐和花朵的味儿也更浓。
8. 夜空开始发亮了。在东方,人们可以看见一道亮光,上边发绿色,下边是粉红色,最后成为一道金红色的光,越来越扩大。
9. 清晨,太阳在鸡鸣的催促声下,慵懒的伸伸胳膊,微笑着射出第一缕光辉。那道金灿灿的线,暖暖的照进房间,把整个房间映成金色。
10. 初春的清晨,湿润润的风轻轻地扫着,从破着的玻璃窗外穿了进来,微微地拂着一切,又悄悄地走了。淡白天光,也占据着每个角落,给房门涂上了一层幻梦的白颜色。
11. 太阳还没有升起,可是,空气里却已弥漫着破晓时的寒气,草上也已掩盖了灰色的露水;早起的云雀在那半明半暗的云空高啭着歌喉,而在遥远的、遥远的天际,则有着一颗巨大的最后的晨星正凝视着,有如一只孤寂的眼睛。
12. 清晨,万籁俱寂,天蒙蒙亮,黑夜正欲隐去,破晓的晨光慢慢唤醒沉睡的生灵。
13. 银白的曙光渐渐显出啡红,朝霞映在千家万户的窗棍之上。
14. 天渐渐破晓,淡青色的天空镶嵌着几颗残星,大地朦朦胧胧的,如同笼罩着银灰色的轻纱
15. 黎明,一层白色的浓雾,覆盖着滇池,渐渐地化成了一片薄纱,像一只神奇的手,轻轻地拨开了她的`面纱,让早霞羞红了她的脸。
16. 此时的天际,已微露出蛋白,云彩都赶集似的聚集在天边,像是浸了血,显出淡淡的红色。
17. 早晨,乳白色的轻雾弥漫大街小巷,笼罩着城市,虽还不见太阳,却散发着燃烧的气息。
18. 清晨的天空里沁着微微的芳馨,夜雨涤尽了一切的尘污,连带着把茉莉花的清香也在濡湿中渲染开了,随着风儿飘溢,飘进了每一个呼吸的毛孔中。
19. 清晨,太阳公公用他那温暖轻柔的手臂把大地从梦中唤醒,金色的阳光铺满大地。
20. 百鸟欢唱,你唱我和,你呼我应,有远有*,百鸟争鸣,百花齐放,是个清新而欢快的清晨。
21. 不知什么时候,绚烂的朝霞染红了半边天,又将柔和的色彩洒在校园里。
22. 黎明,像一把利剑,劈开了默默的夜幕,迎来了初升的阳光。
23. 黎明的曙光揭去夜幕的轻纱,吐出灿烂的晨光,迎来了新的一天。
24. 刚刚诞生的黎明如同一个嫩红的婴儿,在这浓浓的泼洒中颤了三颤。
25. 春天,那太阳暖洋洋的,它伸出漫暖的大手,摩挲得人浑身舒坦。
26. 一束光线透过窗户,欲睡欲醒的我听见鸟儿在经过夏风吹过的枝桠上欢唱。比起春天的早晨,夏,更充满活力。一切都是那么惬意。
27. 清晨,每每醒来总会听到的是树枝上知了清脆的叫声,走出房门看到的是雨后湿湿的庭院,花坛旁边几棵小草,呵,上面还遗留着昨晚未干的雨滴。
28. 清晨,太阳在鸡鸣的催促声下,慵懒的伸伸胳膊,微笑着射出第一缕光辉。那道金灿灿的线,暖暖的照进房间,把整个房间映成金色。那是一片让人眼前一亮的颜色,清晨的精神振奋,也由此而来。
29. 清晨,一缕阳光直射进我的房间里,像一束亮闪闪的金线,不仅照亮了房间,也照亮了我的心田。
30. 清晨,东方出现了瑰丽的朝霞,村子里的屋顶L飘着缕缕炊烟,空气中弥漫着轻纱似的薄雾。
31. 清晨,含苞欲放的蓓蕾上,晶莹明亮的露珠闪烁着,显得生气勃勃。
32. 清晨,美好的清晨,我们这群刚刚出土的苗苗,抬头仰望五彩缤纷的天空―一幅壮丽的祖国未来的蓝图,拿起知识的画笔去描绘,去添彩。听,琅琅的读书声一浪高过一浪,我们没有浪费这金色的早晨,金子似的时间。
33. 清晨的阳光是宁静淡雅的,没有那种喧闹气息,让人感到心*气和、心旷神怡,我就感受到过那种意境。
34. 夏天的清晨,四五点钟,天刚露出鱼肚白,一切都未混进动物的气息,一切都纯净的让人心旷神怡,仿佛一幅淡淡的水墨画,水墨画里,弥漫着好闻的青草的香。
35. 夏日的清晨,初生的太阳照在脸上,身边的草坪上,露珠在闪闪发光,清凉的微风在身边抚过,有时还带着一丝谈谈的花香,多美的早晨啊!
36. 故乡的清晨,是那么的宁静,那么的纯洁,那么的美丽。黎明的曙光揭去夜幕的轻纱,吐出灿烂的朝霞。
37. 天刚破晓,淡青色的天空还镶着几颗稀落的残星。
38. 晨曦中,那碧绿的竹杆闪射着纯洁的光泽,绿莹莹的光环萦绕着整个竹林。
39. 早晨,乳白色的轻雾弥漫大街小巷,笼罩着城市,虽还不见太陽,却散发着燃烧的气息。