没想过我们分的清清楚楚撇的干干净净。太多诺言缠绵纠结,太多残念折磨,那么不舍,让我泪流成河。Say sorry to yourself because you were once tough to yourself for someone. 跟自己说声对不起,因为曾经为了别人难为了自己。世界,不公*,但却是很明智的。它对你按下静音键,却为你开启一扇窗,只等待你去发现。一段感情能否走得更远,重要的不是我爱你,而是我包容你的缺点,感恩你我茫茫人海中的遇见;可以生气、可以吵架,但不可以轻言离开。????爱我的,我不一定爱。不爱我的,我绝对不爱;即使爱,也给自己一个时限,时限一到就死心。我大好一个人,
女生宿舍 Khabgah-e dokhtaran剧照图片集锦,女生宿舍 Khabgah-e dokhtaran剧照图片合集. Story of two friends Roya and Shirin who are abut to enter the college in a city near Tehran. They rent a house but little by little they begin to notice some horrible problems and disappearing of the newly brides.