卡莉酱这一身原宿系的彩妆造型真是满满的少女心,粉色的渐变长发撞色柠檬黄娃娃裙,显得俏皮又可爱。然而小编发现了一个动物界的小公举不仅和卡莉酱撞衫、撞发色,简直就是来了个卡莉酱仿妆。呐,就是下边这个毛茸茸的小生物,瑰色枫叶蛾,有木有高度还原呢*看也好可爱啊(*??`)~?一般我们对蛾的印象都是灰灰土土的颜色,只有蝴蝶才会长得比较鲜艳,不过这个说法完全没办法用在《瑰色枫叶蛾》(Rosy Maple Moth)身上,因为它跟其他的蛾类很不一样,是超勾锥的冰淇淋色ww这种颜色人类想要染到头发上还必须先漂过,而且染了还不一定好看唉~(喂扯远了)这种粉黄相间的可爱小家伙生长于北美加拿大,雄性的身长是3~4公
飞蛾扑火 The Silk and the Flame剧照图片集锦,飞蛾扑火 The Silk and the Flame剧照图片合集. he survival of a rural Chinese family depends on Yao, an unwed middle-aged man whose father's dying wish is continuation of the family line. Yao travels from Beijing to a village of 300 people, where Yao's mother struggles to bring father and son closer together during the Chinese New Year.