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游戏壁纸:顽皮狗天才画师John Sweeney绘画作品精选.游戏,原画顽皮狗天才画师John Sweeney的作品赏。他曾凭借一幅《The Last of Us(最后生还者/美国末日)》的主题画作获得Into the Pixel这一年度奖项。他出色的色彩感,细节刻画,人物剧情和场景的完美融合让人过目不忘。随心一句:我也常常会累,也常常会心情浮燥,常常在一些早已老去的回忆里念念不忘;常常因为将心情投入了哪段文、或者是哪首歌而引发了些感慨;也很容易陷入别人的情绪或别人的故事;所以,也总是絮絮着些忧伤。
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.
画家介绍 : Robert Finale;The powerful and captivating works of the artist, Robert Finale, flow naturally from a deep-rooted passion and God given talent for capturing the intrinsic beauty in humankind and nature.