人美心善人癜人,心善/唯美心情文字控,李连杰女儿人美心善 *况曝光得了什么病 李连杰的爷爷多大来头李冰冰人美心善 李冰冰和任泉的感情内幕 任泉不娶李冰冰的原因,美心美心美心美心优美心情壁纸图片#唯美心语#Don't depend too much on anyon…#唯美心语# When you have something you r…#唯美心语# Learning to ignore things is …#唯美心语# When you fully trust a person…#唯美心语# I wanna grow old with you ❤…
#唯美心语#Don't depend too much on anyone in this world, because even your shadow leaves you when you're in darkness. 在这个世界上别太依赖任何人,因为当你在黑暗中挣扎的时候,连你的影子也会离开你。曦
#唯美心语# When you have something you really love but it causes you pain, God is just testing you to see if you are strong enough to hold it. 当你真正喜欢一样东西,但它又给你带来伤害的时候,其实这是老天在考验你是否足够坚持。曦
#唯美心语# When you fully trust a person without any doubt, you finally get one of the two results: a person for life, or a lesson for life. 当你毫不怀疑地相信一个人,那么你最终有可能得到两种结果,要么得到一个值得托付一生的人,要么得到一个值得铭记一生的教训。曦
#唯美心语# Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting.It means the memories last, even if contact is lost.友情是理解,不是妥协;是原谅,不是遗忘。即使不联系,感情依然在。曦