heyjudeHeyJude,hey Jude保罗·麦卡特尼演唱经典名曲,49-39-Hey Jude (SMOOTH JAZZ - The Best of Harmonica) 望一望个人制谱园地Hey Jude (半音阶口琴) 望一望个人制谱园地,温存的Hey Jude 花盒,诸多人询问。今日起…图片﹌ 潮狗诗幂图片hey judeH²寂寞的烟花。图片Hey Jude---Everything will be better
Hey Jude吉他谱-孙燕姿
披头士甲壳虫乐队The Beatles的经典名曲hey jude,女声版高清六线吉他谱下载,是由吉他吧中国最好的吉他学*网站提供,您可以方便参考本吉他和弦示意图和扫弦节奏型进行吉他弹唱。本弹唱曲原调bA调,变调夹夹一品。感谢赵伟编配。
And any time you feel the pain, hey, Jude, refrain Don't carry the world upon your shoulders Well don't you know that its a fool who plays it cool By making
奥运开幕式,围脖流传《Hey Jude》段子。我号称创作相关花艺作品,虽是玩笑话,想想不如当真。。。这盒花,就叫《Hey Jude》。歌中唱道: Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better请将她深藏于心,生活才会更美好。。。这是花朵唱的歌。 2012-07-30