1、Love means never having to say you’re sorry.“爱意味着永远不必说抱歉。”——爱情故事(Love Story, 1970)影片中男女主角先后都说过这句台词。
2、I love the smell of napalm in the morning.“我喜欢早晨汽油弹的味道。”—— 现代启示录(Apocalypse Now, 1979)中校下令用飞机投掷汽油弹烧掉森林,只是为了压制越共的火力让他冲浪。说这句话的时候,他正悠闲地坐在枪林弹雨的战场上。
3、I wish I was a kid again,because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts. -----我多希望自己还是个孩子,因为擦破皮的膝盖比伤透的心容易愈合些。
4、Go ahead,make my day
5、A boy's best friend is his mother
6、Bond.James Bond
7、If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn’t have fallen for the second. -----如果你同时爱上了两个人,选择第二个,因为如果你真的爱第一个人,你就不会再爱上第二个人。
8、Made it, Ma! Top of the world!“成功了,妈妈!世界之巅!”—— 白热杀机(White Heat, 1949)科迪是一个心狠手辣胆大包天的黑帮头目,但他却对自己的母亲敬若神明。“to the top of the world”是母亲对他常说的一句话。影片结尾,科迪被警察团团包围,在走投无路的情况下,他高呼这句台词举枪引爆了脚下的油罐。
9、Anakin,this path has been placed before you. The choice is yours alone. 阿纳金,路就在你脚下,你自己决定。 --来自1999年的《星球大战-首部曲》
10、I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse. 我会开出令他无法拒绝的条件。 --来自1972年的《教父》
11、I'm as mad as hell,and I'm not going to take this anymore!
12、I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!“我彻底疯了,我再也不能忍受下去了。”—— 电视台风云Network, 1976比尔是电视台资深主持人,得知自己即将被解雇后,在直播节目中发泄不满。没想到观众反应出奇的好,于是电视台重新让他主持节目。比尔在节目中的标志性动作就是高呼这句台词,然后倒在地上装死。
14、Rosebud.“玫瑰花蕾。”—— 公民凯恩(Citizen Kane, 1941)这是主角凯恩临终前的遗言,也是贯穿整部影片的线索。
15、I may not be perfect, but I’m always me. Be yourself, don't change for anyone. If they don't like me at my worst, then they don't deserve me at my best.-----我也许不完美,但我一直在做自己。如果他们不能接受最差的我,也就不配拥有最好的我。
16、It's not the men in your life that counts, it's the life in your men.”
17、Love means never having to say you’re sorry. 爱就是永远不说对不起。 --来自1970年的《爱情故事》
19、My precious.“我的宝贝。”—— 魔戒2:双塔奇谋(The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers, 2002)这是古鲁姆对魔戒的称呼。拥有魔戒的人会受到其诱惑而将其视为珍宝。
20、Tell ‘em to go out there with all they got and win just one for the Gipper.“叫他们豁出去拼了,为了吉佩赢一回。”——纽特.罗克尼Knute Rockne All American, 1940
21、Mrs.Robinson,you're trying to seduceme.Aren't you?
22、After all,tomorrow is another day!
23、The stuff that dreams are made of.“用来制造梦想的材料。”—— 马耳他之鹰The Maltese Falcon, 1941影片结尾,一个警察问山姆马耳他之鹰是用什么材料制成的,山姆意味深长地用这句话作为回答。
24、是我没锁好回忆让它四处矫情真是抱歉。I'm sorry I didn't lock memory up and let it go to be contentious around
26、Oh, no, it wasn’t the airplanes. It was Beauty killed the Beast.“哦,不,杀死野兽的不是飞机,而是美女。”—— 金刚(King Kong, 1933)这是影片的最后一句台词。看着从帝国大厦顶上掉落的金刚的尸体,疯狂的导演作出了这个经典评论。在彼得.杰克逊重拍的版本中也保留了这句台词。
27、I’m king of the world! 我是世界之王! --来自1997年的《泰坦尼克号》
28、Show me the money!
30、Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright.——The Shawshank Redemption. 有些鸟儿是永远关不住的,因为它们的每一片羽翼上都沾满了自由的光辉。来自1994年的《肖申克的救赎》
31、They call me Mister Tibbs!“他们叫我提布斯先生!”—— 炎热的夜晚In the Heat of the Night, 1967提布斯是一位黑人警探,在一次去外地执行公务的时候被当地警察误认为**犯而被逮捕。在受到白人警长用轻蔑的语气讯问时,提波斯义正辞严地用这句话捍卫黑人的尊严。
32、To be or not to be, that’s a question. 生存还是死亡,这是一个问题。 --来自1990年的《哈姆雷特》
33、Louis,I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. 路易斯,我想,这将是一段美好友谊的开始。 --来自1942年的《卡萨布兰卡》
34、Attica! Attica!“阿提卡!阿提卡!”—— 热天午后(Dog Day Afternoon, 1975)
35、Toga! Toga!“喝酒!喝酒!”—— 动物屋National Lampoon’s Animal House, 1978国家讽刺文社是最受美国大学生欢迎的一份刊物,《动物屋》是其涉足电影业的第一部作品。
36、If you love somebody, don't let them slip away. But sometimes there is no way out except to say goodbye. -----爱一个人,就别让他从你身边溜走了。但是,有时候,除了说再见,无路可走。
39、别骗我像骗个孩子,别爱我像爱个朋友。Don't cheat me like cheating a child.Don't love me like loving a friend
40、I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. 我总是非常依赖陌生人的仁慈。 --来自1951年的《欲望号街车》
41、Oh,Jerry,don’t let’s ask for the moon.We have the stars. 噢,杰瑞,不要再乞求能得到月亮了,我们已经拥有星星了。 --来自1942年的《扬帆》
43、Everything that has a begin has an end.世间万物有始皆有终。 --来自1999年《黑客帝国》
44、When you have something you really love but it causes you pain, God is just testing you to see if you are strong enough to hold it. ------当你真正喜欢一样东西,但它又给你带来伤害的时候,其实这是老天在考验你是否足够坚持。
45、Here's looking at you,kid
46、Sometimes you play a game even when you know you're gonna lose. Or sometimes you leave a game even when you know you can win. -----有时候,就算知道自己会输,你还是会玩这个游戏。或者有时候,就算知道自己会赢,也会放弃这个游戏。
47、You don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum, which is what I am
48、To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world. -----对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。
49、Toto,I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore
50、Bond. James Bond.“邦德,詹姆斯·邦德。”—— 诺博士Dr. No, 1962007的标志性台词。
51、I am big! It’s the pictures that got small.“我现在还是大明星!是默片没落了。”—— 日落大道(Sunset Blvd., 1950)
ArcherI am the bone of my sword.(吾为所持剑之骨)体は剣で出来ている.(此身为剑之骨)Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.(钢铁为身 而火焰为血)血潮は鉄で 心は硝子.(血潮如铁 心如琉璃)I h*e created over a thousand blades.(手制之剑已达千余)几たびの戦场を越えて不败.(纵横无数战场而不败)Unknown to Death.(不为死所知。
【即未曾败退之意】)ただの一度も败走はなく.(未曾一次败退)Nor known to Life.(亦不为生所知。
【即未被人理解之意】)ただの一度も理解されない.(未尝得一知己)H*e withstood pain to create many weapons.(曾承受痛苦创造诸多武器)彼の者は常に独り 剣の丘で胜利に酔う.(其常立于剑丘之巅,独醉于胜利之中)Yet, those hands will never hold anything.(然而,留下的只有虚无。
)故に、生涯に意味はなく.(故此,此生已无意义)So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works.(故如我祈求,无限之剑制)その体は、きっと剣で出来ていた.(则此躯,注定为剑而生)士郎I am the bone of my sword.(此身为剑之骨)体は剣で出来ている.(此身为剑而生)Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.(钢铁为身,而火焰为血)血潮は鉄で 心は硝子.(血潮如铁 心如琉璃)I h*e created over a thousand blades.(手制之剑已达千余)几たびの戦场を越えて不败.(纵横无数战场而不败)Unaware of loss.(不知所失)ただ一度の败走もなく.(未尝一次败北)Nor aware of gain.(亦不知所得)ただ一度の胜利もなし.(亦未得一次胜利)Withstood pain to create many weapons, waiting for one's arrival.(伴常痛以制诸兵,候伊人之来)担い手ここに独り、剣の丘で鉄を锻つ.(在此孤身一人,铸剑于剑丘之上)I h*e no regrets.This is the only path.(了无遗憾。
此乃唯一路途)ならば、我が生涯に意味は不要ず.(那么,此生无须任何意义)My whole life was unlimited blade works.(此生即为“无限剑制”)この体は”无限の剣”で出来ていた(此身定为“无限之剑”所成)Fate stay night(2006)身由剑所成。
血潮如铁, 心如琉璃。
吾身为剑所天成血若钢铁铮铮,心似琉璃易碎横行沙场无数,未尝败绩然虽不曾落败却也不被理解其常独立于剑丘之上,沉醉于胜利之中故其之一生,没有意义其身,定为无限之剑所天成其他几种翻译版本----------I am the bone of my sword.----------吾身为剑所成。
----------Steel is my body,and fire is my blood.----------血潮为铁,心为琉璃。
----------I h*e created over a thousand blades.----------跨越无数战场,立于不败之地。
----------Unknown to Death.----------未曾败退。
----------Nor known to Life.----------无一知己。
----------H*e withstood pain to create many weapon.----------他,常独自一人立于剑丘之上,陶醉于胜利之中。
----------Yet,those hands will never hold anything.----------因此,他的生涯已经失去了意义。
----------So as I pray,unlimited blade works
I am the bone of my sword. 剑体 Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. 钢铁之血 灼璃之心 I h*e created over a thousand blades. 千剑 历经百战 Unknown to death,Nor known to life. 无一败绩 无己 ` H*e withstood pain to create many weapons. . 常独自一人自醉丘之巅 Yet, those hands will never hold anything. 因此 此生亦无任何意义
[I am the bone of my sword] 【身为剑体】 [Steel is my body] 铁之血】 [and fire is my blood] 【灼璃】 [I h*e created over a thousand blades] 【手创千刃 历经】 [Unknown to Death] 【无一败绩】 [Nor known to Life] 【无一知己】 [H*e withstood pain to create weapons] 【常独自自醉于剑丘之巅】[Yet,those hands will never hold anything] 【故,此生毫无意义】 [So as I pray,unlimited blade works] 【则其身,定为无限剑制】嗯,就是这样。
am the bone of my sword 体は剣で出来て 此身为剑之骨 Steel is my body&Fire is my blood 潮は鉄で 心は硝子。
如玄铁,心脆似玻璃 I h*e created over a thousand blades 几たびの戦场を越えて不败。
历经战场无数次而不败 Unknown to Death,Nor known to Life ただの一度も败走はなく、 ただの一度も理解されない。
未曾一次败退,未曾被人理解 H*e with stood pain to create many weapons 彼の者は常に独り 剣の丘で胜利に酔う。
其常立于剑丘之巅,自醉于胜利之中 Yet,those hands will never hold anything 故に、生涯に意味はなく。
因此,此生已无任何意义 So as I pray,Unlimited Blade Works その体は、きっと剣で出来ていた。
则其身,注定为剑而生 士郎发动无限剑制的咒文: I am the bone of my sword. 此身为剑而生 Steel is my body, and fire is my blood、 血流如玄铁、心脆似玻璃 I h*e created over athousand blades 跨越无数战场而不败 Unaware of loss. 未尝一次败北 Nor aware of gain 未尝得一知己 With stood pain to create weapons,waiting for one's arrival 在此孤身一人,铸剑于剑丘之上 I h*e no regrets.This is the only path 那么、此生无须任何意义 My whole life was“unlimited blade works” 此生、定为无限之剑所成 Fate another ——此身,为剑所成——
打开这个* 然后 下载字幕文件 然后打开 找到红地毯的字母物件然后 用 记事本打开 就是红地毯的台词了 是英语的还有什么不懂 点在线交谈
红蜘蛛: Lost the boy, Master. 主人,那孩子跟丢了。
The Autobots must be shielding the signals. Shielding: 汽车人把信号都隐蔽了。
威震天: I can't even rely on you. 连个小小的人类你都干不掉。
红蜘蛛: Sorry. No. 对不起,不。
威震天: What a simple insect! simple昆虫 多简单的昆虫
红蜘蛛: What insect amongst severed billion... amongst: 在„之中 十亿 七十亿之中的... 威震天: Shut up. 闭嘴。
红蜘蛛: It could be anywhere. 大海捞针啊。
威震天: Then we will force them to find him for us. force:那就强迫所有的人类来帮我们找。
It's time for the world to know of our presence. presence: 该让全世界知道我们的存在了。
No more disguises, no mercy! 没有仁慈,没有怜悯,不再遮遮掩掩
Time has come for my master's arrival. arrival: 是时候了,该到我的主人出场了。
I am the bone of my sword. Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.I h*e created over a thousand blades.Unknown to death,Nor known to life. H*e withstood pain to create many weapons.Yet, those hands will never hold anything.So as I pray, unlimited blade works. 翻译:身为剑体 钢铁之血灼璃之心 手创千剑历经百战无一败绩无一知己 常独自一人自醉与剑丘之巅 因此此生亦无任何意义则其身定为无限剑制求采纳
曾经写过这样一句话Ernest Hemingway once wrote,世界是美好的 是值得我们去奋斗的the world is a fine place and worth fighting for.我觉得后面半句说得很对I agree with the second part.
Meeks: I'll try anything once.Dalton: Yeah, except sex.Meeks: 任何事我都只试一次。
Dalton: 当然,唯独性事除外。
你绝对很意外的 我能弄到这些很不容易啊 教父经典语录
一、人生与处世 1、生活是这样美丽。
23、永远不要恨你的敌人 ,因为这会影响你的判断力。
二、社会的真实 1、巨大财富的背后,都隐藏着罪恶。
三、家庭 1、你是我的家人,我爱你。
mo ximo 是什么意思
我天 ,他说的话可多了啊you were lying and your weapon is too much ,try letting go你之前对我扯了谎,你武器太多了,把他们都发射出去吧this battle will be won。
我们将会赢得战争they will not prevail 。
他们胜利不了 Ionia shall not fall艾欧尼亚之城将不会倒下true will can not be defeated。
真正强大的意志是不会被打败的my blade is at your service。
我的剑雨 时刻准备着it ends here。
战争在这里停止justice guides us 。
This way!走这边
Justice guides us正义指引着我们。
I will not falter.我绝不会动摇。
With precision.出手要准Forge onward稳步前进
Ionia shall not fall.艾欧尼亚不会灭亡。
I stand resolute我的立场非常坚定。
Stay sharp.要保持敏锐。
True will cannot be defeated.真正的意志是不会被击败的
Why does everyone ask if I cut my own hair?为什么每个人都在问我“会不会削到自己的头发”呢
There's no turning back.没有退路了
Cut them down!恶必斩
My blade never wavers我的剑刃从不颤抖。
It ends here.到此结束吧。
This battle will be won.这场战斗必将获胜。
They will not prevail他们的胜利必将成为奢望
This is what happens when you feed stray blades这就是我收养那些流浪剑刃的结果。
You rely on your weapons too much, try letting go.你们太过依赖自己的武器了,要试着放手~Balance in ALL things*衡,存乎万物之间。
My blade is not only precise, but totally gnarly.我的剑刃不但准,而且狠
My blade is at your service.我的剑刃愿为您效劳。
Fearful full gasp then big pain as stabbed by her own blade可怕的喘息,就像被她自己的剑刺入一样痛苦。求一首歌,歌词是英雄联盟新版刀妹,刀锋舞者的游戏台词的集合
切っ先 . 讲道理,这两个字看的我一脸懵比一个英语单词,读音是'刀妹槌“ 是啥呢 好像是公寓的意思
就用刀锋意志本来的名字就好了啊,艾瑞莉娅 英文 Irelia,挺好听的啊
动漫 fate红a开大时候说的话。
ArcherI am the bone of my sword.(吾为所持剑之骨)体は剣で出来ている.(此身为剑之骨)Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.(钢铁为身 而火焰为血)血潮は鉄で 心は硝子.(血潮如铁 心如琉璃)I have created over a thousand blades.(手制之剑已达千余)几たびの戦场を越えて不败.(纵横无数战场而不败)Unknown to Death.(不为死所知。
【即未曾败退之意】)ただの一度も败走はなく.(未曾一次败退)Nor known to Life.(亦不为生所知。
【即未被人理解之意】)ただの一度も理解されない.(未尝得一知己)Have withstood pain to create many weapons.(曾承受痛苦创造诸多武器)彼の者は常に独り 剣の丘で胜利に酔う.(其常立于剑丘之巅,独醉于胜利之中)Yet, those hands will never hold anything.(然而,留下的只有虚无。
)故に、生涯に意味はなく.(故此,此生已无意义)So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works.(故如我祈求,无限之剑制)その体は、きっと剣で出来ていた.(则此躯,注定为剑而生)士郎I am the bone of my sword.(此身为剑之骨)体は剣で出来ている.(此身为剑而生)Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.(钢铁为身,而火焰为血)血潮は鉄で 心は硝子.(血潮如铁 心如琉璃)I have created over a thousand blades.(手制之剑已达千余)几たびの戦场を越えて不败.(纵横无数战场而不败)Unaware of loss.(不知所失)ただ一度の败走もなく.(未尝一次败北)Nor aware of gain.(亦不知所得)ただ一度の胜利もなし.(亦未得一次胜利)Withstood pain to create many weapons, waiting for one's arrival.(伴常痛以制诸兵,候伊人之来)担い手ここに独り、剣の丘で鉄を锻つ.(在此孤身一人,铸剑于剑丘之上)I have no regrets.This is the only path.(了无遗憾。
此乃唯一路途)ならば、我が生涯に意味は不要ず.(那么,此生无须任何意义)My whole life was unlimited blade works.(此生即为“无限剑制”)この体は”无限の剣”で出来ていた(此身定为“无限之剑”所成)Fate stay night(2006)身由剑所成。
血潮如铁, 心如琉璃。
吾身为剑所天成血若钢铁铮铮,心似琉璃易碎横行沙场无数,未尝败绩然虽不曾落败却也不被理解其常独立于剑丘之上,沉醉于胜利之中故其之一生,没有意义其身,定为无限之剑所天成其他几种翻译版本----------I am the bone of my sword.----------吾身为剑所成。
----------Steel is my body,and fire is my blood.----------血潮为铁,心为琉璃。
----------I have created over a thousand blades.----------跨越无数战场,立于不败之地。
----------Unknown to Death.----------未曾败退。
----------Nor known to Life.----------无一知己。
----------Have withstood pain to create many weapon.----------他,常独自一人立于剑丘之上,陶醉于胜利之中。
----------Yet,those hands will never hold anything.----------因此,他的生涯已经失去了意义。
----------So as I pray,unlimited blade works
----------此身,已成无限之剑动漫 fate 红a用宝具的时候说的话 要汉语和英语办的
I am the bone of my sword. 剑体 Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. 钢铁之血 灼璃之心 I have created over a thousand blades. 千剑 历经百战 Unknown to death,Nor known to life. 无一败绩 无己 ` Have withstood pain to create many weapons. . 常独自一人自醉丘之巅 Yet, those hands will never hold anything. 因此 此生亦无任何意义求Fate 中得经典语录……(最好是红A )
[I am the bone of my sword] 【身为剑体】 [Steel is my body] 铁之血】 [and fire is my blood] 【灼璃】 [I have created over a thousand blades] 【手创千刃 历经】 [Unknown to Death] 【无一败绩】 [Nor known to Life] 【无一知己】 [Have withstood pain to create weapons] 【常独自自醉于剑丘之巅】[Yet,those hands will never hold anything] 【故,此生毫无意义】 [So as I pray,unlimited blade works] 【则其身,定为无限剑制】嗯,就是这样。fate stay night 红Archer台词
am the bone of my sword 体は剣で出来て 此身为剑之骨 Steel is my body&Fire is my blood 潮は鉄で 心は硝子。
如玄铁,心脆似玻璃 I have created over a thousand blades 几たびの戦场を越えて不败。
历经战场无数次而不败 Unknown to Death,Nor known to Life ただの一度も败走はなく、 ただの一度も理解されない。
未曾一次败退,未曾被人理解 Have with stood pain to create many weapons 彼の者は常に独り 剣の丘で胜利に酔う。
其常立于剑丘之巅,自醉于胜利之中 Yet,those hands will never hold anything 故に、生涯に意味はなく。
因此,此生已无任何意义 So as I pray,Unlimited Blade Works その体は、きっと剣で出来ていた。
则其身,注定为剑而生 士郎发动无限剑制的咒文: I am the bone of my sword. 此身为剑而生 Steel is my body, and fire is my blood、 血流如玄铁、心脆似玻璃 I have created over athousand blades 跨越无数战场而不败 Unaware of loss. 未尝一次败北 Nor aware of gain 未尝得一知己 With stood pain to create weapons,waiting for one's arrival 在此孤身一人,铸剑于剑丘之上 I have no regrets.This is the only path 那么、此生无须任何意义 My whole life was“unlimited blade works” 此生、定为无限之剑所成 Fate another ——此身,为剑所成——奥斯卡红地毯的英语台词
打开这个网址 然后 下载字幕文件 然后打开 找到红地毯的字母物件然后 用 记事本打开 就是红地毯的台词了 是英语的还有什么不懂 点在线交谈求威震天在楼顶扁红蜘蛛时那段的英文台词
红蜘蛛: Lost the boy, Master. 主人,那孩子跟丢了。
The Autobots must be shielding the signals. Shielding: 汽车人把信号都隐蔽了。
威震天: I can't even rely on you. 连个小小的人类你都干不掉。
红蜘蛛: Sorry. No. 对不起,不。
威震天: What a simple insect! simple昆虫 多简单的昆虫
红蜘蛛: What insect amongst severed billion... amongst: 在„之中 十亿 七十亿之中的... 威震天: Shut up. 闭嘴。
红蜘蛛: It could be anywhere. 大海捞针啊。
威震天: Then we will force them to find him for us. force:那就强迫所有的人类来帮我们找。
It's time for the world to know of our presence. presence: 该让全世界知道我们的存在了。
No more disguises, no mercy! 没有仁慈,没有怜悯,不再遮遮掩掩
Time has come for my master's arrival. arrival: 是时候了,该到我的主人出场了。求fate stay night红A无限剑制的话以及翻译
I am the bone of my sword. Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.I have created over a thousand blades.Unknown to death,Nor known to life. Have withstood pain to create many weapons.Yet, those hands will never hold anything.So as I pray, unlimited blade works. 翻译:身为剑体 钢铁之血灼璃之心 手创千剑历经百战无一败绩无一知己 常独自一人自醉与剑丘之巅 因此此生亦无任何意义则其身定为无限剑制求采纳
1.该办正事儿了 2.他们现在是我的了 3.大发慈悲
太迟了 4.我们去找点儿真正的乐子吧 5.没有人能够阻挡我的道路 6.他们的价值已经被榨干了 7.想和我玩儿么
可别怪我的尾巴无情哟 8.来试试运气吧,如果你认为还可以的话 9.我们来吗
10.请宠爱我吧 11.真诱人 12.别压抑自己 13.告诉我个秘密吧 14.你不相信我么
Touchme丶Ahri 抚摸我丶阿狸 Drug丶Ahri 毒药丶阿狸 DrugAhri丶CN 毒药阿狸丶中国BestAhri丶CN 最强阿狸丶中国OppsAhri丶CN 嘿阿狸丶中国Lookatme丶Ahri 看着我丶阿狸Dawnbringer丶Ahri 黎明使者丶阿狸Blackagent丶Ahri 黑暗使者丶阿狸
人物移动台词:Shall we?Don't hope back.Tell me a secret.Don't you trust me?I know what they desire.人物攻击台词:Play time's over.It's too late for mercy.Let's h*e some real fun.人物笑话:If you like to * with me, you'd better sure you know the game. 1.该办正事儿了~ 2.他们现在是我的了~ 3.大发慈悲
太迟了~ 4.我们去找点儿真正的乐子吧~ 5.没有人能够阻挡我的道路~ 6.他们的价值已经被榨干了~ 7.想和我玩儿么
可别怪我的尾巴无情哟~ 8.来试试运气吧,如果你认为还可以的话~ 9.我们来吗
10.请宠爱我吧~ 11.真诱人~ 12.别压抑自己~ 13.告诉我个秘密吧~ 14.你不相信我么
楼主你好阿狸的英文Ahri中文音译是阿瑞 但是不念瑞 念瑞意祝有意愉快哦~
The last hidden world-ChinaFor centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapesand surprising creaturesChinese civilization is the world's oldestand today it's largestwith well over a billion peopleIt's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groupsand a wide range of traditional life stylesoften inclose partnership with natureWe know that China faces immense social and environmental problemsbut there is great beauty here tooChina is home to the world's highest mountains,vast deserts ranging from from searing hotto mind numbing coldsteaming forestsharboring rare creaturesgrassy plains beneath vast horizonsand rich tropical seasNow, for the first time everwe can explore the whole of this great countrymeet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live hereand consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of Chinato the remarkable landscaping which they liveThis is wild ChinaFor our troubled but drop-dead beautiful motherland最后的隐世净土-*数世纪来旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地以及那些神奇生物的传说*文明是世界最古老的文明而如今是最宏博的那数十亿的人民现存超过五十个民族以及各式各样贴*自然的传统生活方式我们都知道*面对着着众多社会环境问题但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽*有着世界最高峰从无垠的炙热沙漠到麻木大脑的寒冷地带以及那蒸笼般的森林中隐匿的各种珍稀生物天际下广阔无垠的草原以及富饶的热带海洋现在我们第一次有机会深入探索这片伟大的土地接触栖息于此的珍奇生物目睹*这片神奇土地上人与野生世界的羁绊这就是最原味的*谨以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国之后的在这个博客找吧很全的
The last hidden world- ChinaFor centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapesand surprising creaturesChinese civilization is the world's oldestand today it's largestwith well over a billion peopleIt's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groupsand a wide range of traditional life stylesoften inclose partnership with natureWe know that China faces immense social and environmental problemsbut there is great beauty here tooChina is home to the world's highest mountains,vast deserts ranging from from searing hotto mind numbing coldsteaming forestsharboring rare creaturesgrassy plains beneath vast horizonsand rich tropical seasNow, for the first time everwe can explore the whole of this great countrymeet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live hereand consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of Chinato the remarkable landscaping which they liveThis is wild ChinaFor our troubled but drop-dead beautiful motherland最后的隐世净土-*数世纪来旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地以及那些神奇生物的传说*文明是世界最古老的文明而如今是最宏博的那数十亿的人民现存超过五十个民族以及各式各样贴*自然的传统生活方式我们都知道*面对着着众多社会环境问题但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽*有着世界最高峰从无垠的炙热沙漠到麻木大脑的寒冷地带以及那蒸笼般的森林中隐匿的各种珍稀生物天际下广阔无垠的草原以及富饶的热带海洋现在我们第一次有机会深入探索这片伟大的土地接触栖息于此的珍奇生物目睹*这片神奇土地上人与野生世界的羁绊这就是最原味的*谨以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国
wild china美丽*(Wild China)第一集龙之心 Heart of the Dragon 最后的隐世净土 The last hidden world * China 数世纪来旅人传诵着关.2Teach for China美丽*(Teach For China)是一个专业化教育非营利组织,2008年成立于*云南。
美丽*每年从中美两国招募优秀青年作为项目 …3美丽的*Beautiful China
射手网 可以下字幕~
Recently I was in the teacher's introduction to watch the bright stars of the film
假如我是一只小鸟,一只快乐的小鸟,那么我将永远, 把田野里的害虫都吃光。
You are the 12 brightest stars in my heart. Please believe that we are here all along!
1. 夜空中星数不清。
The stars in the night sky are innumerable.2. 星星在晴朗的夜亮。
Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.3. 天上有无数的星星。
The stars are coming out.星来了。
Clouds hid the stars.云层遮住了星星Stars are beginning to peep.星星开始出现。
A vivid star.一颗明亮的星星The stars shine to north.星星照到北部。
The sun blinds the stars.太阳遮蔽了星星。
The sky was bespangled with stars.满天星星闪烁发光。
The sky was spangled with stars.天空闪烁着星星。
The sky was twinkling with stars.天空星星闪闪发光。
The stars faded from the sky.星星从天边消失。
Light your fire 歌曲信息 歌词 演唱:Danny Chow 原唱:逃跑计划Light your fireSometimes I may wonder whyIt’s hard to findThe reason you cry The reason you always hideWhen the day is passing byIt comes the nightI look at the starsHoping that they could guideNow I see it’s all about the perfect time That could make two hearts collideSparkling, once or twice Only love can light your fireMaybe I can fly away a thousand milesBut you’re always in my mindOh every time I look into your eyesOh my love can light your fireSometimes I may lose my sightAnd wear a disguiseI do wanna tryI do wanna lead my lifeMeet me under shining lightsPlease don’t be shyI’ll be waiting right hereFor the rest of my lifeNow I see it’s all about the perfect time That could make two hearts collideSparkling, once or twice Only love can light your fireMaybe I can fly away a thousand milesBut you’re always in my mindOh every time I look into your eyesOh my love can light your fireSometimes I may wonder whyIt’s hard to findThe reason you cry The reason you always hide
wind chimeswind bell是中式的英语
Campanula flower aka, abutionstriatumdickson. Flowers axillary, pedicel long, slender, orange red flowers, with red veins, valve end is inward, like a bell is beautiful and lovely. A half opened flowers hanging on the soft branches, w*ing in the breeze, like a string of bells ringing sound. 风铃花原产南美洲,属桔梗科风铃花属常绿灌木,喜温暖湿润和阳光充足的环境,也耐半阴,适宜在含腐殖质丰富、疏松透气的沙质土壤中生长,在我国福建、浙江、江苏等地都有栽培。
Campanula flower native to South America, Campanulaceae Campanula genus of evergreen shrubs of the genus, likes the warm and humid and sunny environment, half shade tolerant, suitable for containing rich in humus, loose sandy soil in the growth, in China's Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other cultivated in. In the condition of suitable area, the annual flowering, the four seasons evergreen, and its excellent traits in ornamental plants are rare, much loved by people. In addition Campanula flower also has the industrial value and medicinal value, the stem bark can take fiber braiding process activities, le*es and flowers with promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, scanty bacteric and other effects.参考参考吧,采纳
可翻译为: Listen! The wind sounds like windbell.
From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you.越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿。
It's joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know.认识你是一种快慰,愿你永远拥有最美好的东西,不仅今天拥有,而且天天拥有,因为认识你真是一种慰藉。
A friend is a loving companion at all times.朋友是永久的知心伴侣。
When I think of you the miles between us disappear.当我想起你,相隔千里,如在咫尺。
You're wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every year.你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与岁俱增。
6、Show them the respect they deserve, or it weakens us
11、Ilivemylifeaquartermileatatime.Nothingelse*.ForthosetenseconDSorless, I'm free.没有什么比四分之一英里的竞速更让我着迷,只有在那不足10秒的时间里,我才能感受到何谓自由。
17、I never thought I would believe that a criminal. Now they can. We also
18、And we got it cooking like a one-eyed stove
23、Jumpin out on anybody who try to say some one thing about it
24、Enough. I don't know anything, but at least know one thing: don't make me do things I don't want to
34、You can catch me kissin' my girl with both eye closed
36、Life is simple.You make choices and you don't look back
37、Drag racing or death
38、Remember, the second you go through those doors, everything changes, our old life is done
43、I see some people ahead that we gon' pass
48、Couldn't slow down so we had to crash it
51、I never thought I would believe that a criminal