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idiotidiot,IDiot,,Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷSPOILER ALERT!! - My Episode 5 recap for People MagazineThis week’s episode starts out with a clip of someone being called an idiot. Who’s the idiot and why, we ask? Turns out we will find out at the very end of the show.Idiot-calling aside, the test sho吃貨Gloriaの图片人物,名人,Donald Trump,总统,地点,国家,美国,政治,知识,历史,2016年,幽默,艺术&设计,数码,白痴,MAGA(Donald Trump,presidents,USA,politics,year 2016,humor,idiot,MAGA)壁纸图片人物,名人,凡妮莎哈金斯,演员,黑发,辫子,艺术&设计,自画像,数码,白痴(Vanessa Hudgens,actress,brunette,pigtails,self portraits,idiot)壁纸图片青黃#[idiot/高橋あさみ]幸福的等號
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