钢筋垫块的作用是固定钢筋位置,防止钢筋外露而被腐蚀。钢筋垫块又叫钢筋保护层垫块,是砖混结构及框架结构里,放在钢筋和模板之间的辅助混凝土结构。它是解决局部承压常用的办法,其厚度关系到结构的承载力、耐久性、防火等性能。 钢筋垫块主要有什么用处 维护结构耐久性混凝土中保护层太薄容易渗入潮湿气体和水,过厚则易产生裂缝,这些都可能使钢筋锈蚀并膨胀,从而使混凝土遭受破坏,影响使用和结构安全。承受外力作用保护层对钢筋有锚固力,利用混凝土与钢筋间的锚固力,两者紧密结合,共同参与工作。 正截面受弯承载力计算公式:M≤a l fcbx(h0一x/2)+fy'AS'(ho--a s'
大象的重量 The Weight of Elephants剧照图片集锦,大象的重量 The Weight of Elephants剧照图片合集. Adrian, 10, a sensitive and lonely boy, abandoned by his mum at an early age to live with his Granmother and his sick uncle, finds meaning in an unlikely friendship with Nicole, 10, a crazy, mysterious outsider, who just moved in across the street and who just might be one of the abducted children that they keep talking about on the telly