虽然说主频只是一个参数数据,虽然它并非是完全决定处理器强弱的唯一因素,但是对很多购买手机的用户来说依旧会看重处理器的主频级别,从同一*台上来讲架构相同的话那么主频越高的产品操控性能也会越好,这点是毋庸置疑的,所以说大家追求高主频的手机也是有一定原因存在的。今天就此为用户尤其是偏重手机参数的“参数党”们推荐八款高主频的双核处理器智能手机,它们最低从1.4GHz级别起步,最高达到目前顶级的1.7GHz水准,均可让你获得不俗的性能表现。1.7GHz主频:HTC One S微博版 由新浪微博定制的HTC One S Z560e并非简简单单增加了一颗感应式微博快捷按键,它还将该机的处理器主频从原有1.
核意 Il giorno prima剧照图片集锦,核意 Il giorno prima剧照图片合集. Fifteen multi-national people are placed in a nuclear bomb shelter to see if they could survive it and each other. Drama doesn't really start moving until more than halfway through, when the characters fear it may no longer be just an experiment...but the real thing!