美丽的心心美丽美丽彩虹心,那美丽的身影黑色葬礼,心型岛屿美丽风景图你会长留我心 永远美丽,美丽的蓝色的花*心*美丽的文心兰壁纸美丽的心形海岛壁纸墙外花红,美丽的心,打开夏目的美丽日记 暖心冬日#美丽鸟心语#It does not do to dwell on d…#美丽鸟心语#A wise man never loses anyth…#美丽鸟心语#Good mood will have good sce…#美丽鸟心语#True confidence leaves no ro…#美丽鸟心语#If you don't learn to laugh …
#美丽鸟心语#Good mood will have good scenery, good vision will have a good find, good thinking will have a good idea. 好心情才会有好风景,好眼光才会有好发现,好思考才会有好主意。_美美 - 美丽鸟
#美丽鸟心语#If you’re talking about me behind my back that just means my life is obviously more interesting than yours.如果你在背后议论我,那只能说明,我活的明显要比你精彩许多。_美美 - 美丽鸟
#美丽鸟心语#No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, believe that happiness is waiting. 无论下多久的雨,最后都会有彩虹;无论你多么悲伤,要相信幸福在前方等候。_美美 - 美丽鸟