“心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇”的上句是“向亚伯拉罕的聋耳唱叹歌吟”。这句诗由诗人余光中翻译而来,原诗出自英文诗歌《于我,过去,现在以及未来》中“In me
the tiger sniffs the rose”一句。《于我,过去,现在以及未来》的作者是英国诗人西格里夫·萨松代表作。 《于我,过去,现在以及未来》原诗赏析 In me, past, present, future meet,于我,过去、现在和未来 To hold long chiding conference. 商讨聚会 各执一词 纷扰不息。 My lusts usurp the present tense 林林总总的 欲望,
龙城猛虎 Charro!剧照图片集锦,龙城猛虎 Charro!剧照图片合集. Jess Wade is innocently accused of having stolen a cannon from the Mexican revolutionary forces. He tries to find the real culprits, a gang of criminals.