1、取一张紫色A4纸,将纸对折然后横放。在纸的中间线一排,粘上不同颜色的纽扣,用笔在每颗纽扣上方画出线条及蝴蝶结。 2、取一张浅蓝色纸,先用不同颜色的彩笔在纸上分别写出【happy new year】的单词,然后用剪刀根据单词的大致轮廓剪下。 3、将剪下的单词粘在纽扣下方,再用彩笔在单词后面画几个小桃心点缀,这样一张纽扣礼物贺卡就做好了。
树脂 Harpiks剧照图片集锦,树脂 Harpiks剧照图片合集. The dangerous paranoia lurking beneath the seemingly idyllic existence of a family of hermits living on a remote island begins to come to the fore when their daughter starts to question her parents' worldview, in Daniel Joseph Borgman’s (The Weight of Elephants) bucolic and brutal drama.