油画。芭蕾。婚纱。发饰。头冠。复古。 There’s a light on in the attic. Though the house is dark and shuttered, I can see a flickering flutter, And I know what it’s about. There’s a light on in the attic. I can see it from the outside, And I know you’re on the inside...looking out. ——A Light in the Attic ♢相關專輯 Proud of You:复古集 http://www.topit.me/album/82064 Honey Moon:什物集 http://www.topit.me/album/126889 她梦他城:室内集 http://www.topit.me/album/129673 清水芙蓉:插画集 http://www.topit.me/album/225061 午夜蔷薇:壁纸集 http://www.topit.me/album/351722 放下自由去流浪:书簿集 http://www.topit.me/album/361182 Almost Lover:壁纸集 http://www.topit.me/album/399753 那些生命中美好而温暖:旅途风景 http://www.topit.me/album/387904 游园惊梦:古风插画集 http://www.topit.me/album/913015 Claude Monet:印象派作画集 http://www.topit.me/album/931735 厦门是一部电影:旅途专辑 http://www.topit.me/album/931743 白与黑:意象专辑 http://www.topit.me/album/960501 [本專輯圖片來自網絡 轉侵刪]