奔驰于日前发布了其AMG Vision Gran Turismo的首批官方图片,该车是一款在新的Gran Turismo 6电脑游戏中可以驾驶的概念车,但是奔驰也打造了一款1:1比例的实车车型。这款AMG Vision Gran Turismo具备了复古的设计元素,例如类似于上世纪50年代300SL赛车的大张口的前格栅。奔驰表示,长长的引擎罩、紧凑的驾驶座舱和泪珠形状的尾部都是典型的奔驰跑车设计特征。 双座的内饰设计灵感是来源于现款奔驰F1赛车,仪表板的设计样式像是两个位于转向柱两侧的鸥翼车门。速度计、转速计和温度表都被安装在一个位于驾驶员视线内的浮动式玻璃控制台内。
生于星期天 Söndagsbarn剧照图片集锦,生于星期天 Söndagsbarn剧照图片合集. Little Pu spends a summer in Norrland with all his relatives. He and his brother get to hear the story about the watchmaker who hung himself, learns to shoot with a bow and follow his father on a bicycle trip.
Summary written by Mattias Thuresson from IDMB
Daniel Bergman is the son of Ingmar Bergman, who is the scriptwriter of the filem.