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geometricgeometric印刷材料u201Dgeometric,Geometric毁坏坠落(几何学) Broken Fall (Geometric)电影剧照,,Image Spark - Image tagged "geometric", "architecture", "triangle" - somberSkymetric • 3 : The word skymetric is a construction composed by: sky and -metric (geometric).The subject highlights the decontextualization of places and architectural spaces in order to alter the natural structure. These places considered have in commonmichael_parkes_geometric_projectionSOPHIE SMALLHORN’S UNIVERSESOPHIE SMALLHORN’S UNIVERSESOPHIE SMALLHORN’S UNIVERSESOPHIE SMALLHORN’S UNIVERSESOPHIE SMALLHORN’S UNIVERSESOPHIE SMALLHORN’S UNIVERSEJason Middlebrook’s Paintings on Planks
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